
World Teacher Kenya

Do you want to become a World Teacher?
You can register again in 2025

Edukans warmly invites you to join the World teacher community of practice to learn from and inspire each other.

Details of the trip  

  • The first weekend we fly to Kenya and travel on to the final destination.
    After arrival, we prepare for the first week of school and get to know each other.
  • The first week of school! We will learn together, observe, prepare and review lessons. There are also workshops and team meetings. We will be working on: Active learning, Teaching and School management.
  • On the intervening weekend there is time for a touristic excursion to the market and/or church visits, preparation for the second week and relaxation. 
  • The second week we visit a new elementary school or continue with the goals and activities from week 1.
  • Usually there is a start and end meeting in which we also evaluate the trip.
  • The last weekend we travel back to the Netherlands. Depending on the departure time, you will be back on Sunday(morning). 

* The details of the travel program will be announced during the preparation. We work closely with our partner in Kenya. This is a preliminary program, because we know from experience that it can still change locally. 

 Travel- en training Dates 2025*

Submission of digital motivation To be determined  More information in the registration email.
Travel To be determined ** 
Training weekend To be determined *  Please note that Friday begins at 9:30 a.m. 
Extra training day online if needed  To be determined 
Return Day To be determined 

*all training and travel days are subject to accommodations and flight times
* Please note that Edukans has a climate sustainable travel policy 
** Departure 

The costs of World Teacher Kenya 2024

To be determined*

This amount covers all trainings, materials, tickets, accommodation, meals, and local transportation (full board). The price excludes visa fees, vaccinations, insurance, and any potential Certificate of Good Conduct (VOG) expenses.

These are the general terms and conditions.

* In the Netherlands, you take action for quality education in Kenya. You raise a minimum of        € 1500 in sponsorship funds. With this, your colleagues in Kenya can participate in the training program, and Edukans can follow up on the quality improvement efforts you initiate during the journey.

With your own action page on, you can easily call on your community to support you, and those staying behind can follow your journey closely. Of course, you can also initiate a charity drive at your school and involve your students in your journey.

Sign up!

You can register again in 2025


Partners & keurmerken

  • ANBI
  • Nationale Postcode Loterij